Euathlus sp. red

I will admit, when I first read about the Euathlus sp. red (Chilean Flame), I was immediately turned off by the word “dwarf”. Having kept a G. porteri for over 16 years, I was now learning about the truly amazing varieties of tarantulas available, and I was particularly intrigued by the species that offered impressive sizes. Somehow, a T that would max out around 3.5″ didn’t really appeal to me. My interest in Ts had yet to graduate from the “I want something huge and impressive” stage, and I was consequently overlooking some species due to size alone.

Still, as I frequented Arachnoboards, reading about other keepers’ experiences with these wonderful animals, my interest grew. Although there were some negatives—slings were notorious for refusing food, and their adult counterparts we also prone to fasting—there were many positives. Those who owned them gushed about Euathus sp. red’s gentle and inquisitive nature and its understated beauty.


Euathlus sp. Red adult female 3.5″

Around early December, my wife and I decided that we would get my two middle children (8 and 10) each a tarantula for the holiday. They had been both showing plenty of interest in the hobby, and we thought them capable of caring for them with supervision. As luck would have it Jamie’s Tarantulas was offering sub-adult Euathlus sp. reds for the holiday, and I remembered their reputation for being a wonderful beginner’s species. I bought one for each of the kids then, almost as a after thought, grabbed a third for myself.

Check out my girl in the video below!

It didn’t take long for us to discover why those who kept Euathlus sp. reds gushed about the species. This tarantula can best be described as curious and inquisitive. While almost all of my Ts bolt or hide when I open their enclosures, all three Euathuls sp. reds come calmly up to the breach and try to climb out. It’s not a mad-dash escape, or a fear-induced exodus—no, it’s more like a, “Hey, what’s going on out here?” stroll.

Although I make it a point to not try to handle my Ts, I’ve found myself in an impromptu handling session with mine several times. Whenever I open its enclosure for maintenance or a feeding, mine will calmly crawl out of the hatch and onto my hand. Once there, she normally just cozies up to my thumb and hangs out. The behavior is quite adorable, and dare I say it, this is the one T I keep that I have no reservations about calling “cute”.

Euathuls sp. red after she crawled out of her enclosure and into my hand. Note: I normally do not handle my Ts

Euathlus sp. red after she crawled out of her enclosure and into my hand. Note: I normally do not handle my Ts

A word of caution, however; although they normally present a calm, gentle demeanor, these little guys can really bolt when spooked. Once, when startled, mine scurried down my hand and back into its enclosure in the blink of an eye. It served as a reminder of why great care always needs to be taken to ensure the safety of a the T when attempting to handle.

Speaking of  speed, these guys can be amazingly fast and aggressive eaters. Mine have only refused a meal when in premolt, and generally exhibit a strong feeding response. I once saw mine leap at a roach from a few inches away; to say the sudden display of spider athleticism stunned me would be an understatement.

Their husbandry is quite simple; mine are kept in round Kritter Keepers with a diameter of about 1o” and a height of about 4″. These give them a little extra space to explore, which they do quite frequently. I do, however, make sure that there isn’t too much distance between the top of the enclosure and the substrate. These little guys will climb, and you don’t want them injured or killed from a fall. For substrate, I use a dry cocofiber with a bit of vermiculite mixed in. They have a small water bowl, which I overflow a bit, and access to fresh water at all times. This can prove to be a bit challenging, as they just LOVE to bury their bowls. All are also provided with hides, which they have generally used only during premolt. The humidity is kept low, and temperatures range from mid 70s during the day, low 70s at night.

For those looking for an excellent beginner T with a lot of personality and easy care requirements, you can’t do much better than the Euathlus sp. red. They also possess an understated beauty that makes them wonderful showcase pieces; the reds that give them their common name of Chilean Flame really pop after a molt. Their gentle disposition, inquisitive nature, and small stature also make them wonderful ambassadors to folks who fear large spiders.


12 thoughts on “Euathlus sp. red

  1. I’ve been looking into these adorable little guys and I finally found one I’m gonna be getting mine on Tuesday it’s exciting


  2. Hey Tom, MASSIVE thank you from the UK for this amazing resource that I’ve spent many hours reading over the last few weeks!

    Following your recommendation, I finally found a lovely sub-adult E. sp red last week, my first T and totally love her! 🙂

    Thank you again SO much!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, Gareth!

      Thank you so much for the kind words!

      And congrats on your E. sp red; I honestly don’t think that you could have picked a better T to start with. I just had mine in my hand again because as soon as I opened her enclosure to feed her, she wanted to explore. I actually just picked up two more, a sub adult female and a mature male last week. They were languishing at a local pet store, so I had to “rescue” them. LOVE this species. I’ll be partnering up my male and mature female very soon…

      Thank YOU for stopping by to let me know; you made my day.

      All the best,



  3. Hi. I’m enjoying reading your posts. I am growing more and more interested in the idea of having a tarantula. It’s not something I’m planning on doing soon, as it’s clearly different than picking out a kitten they’re giving away in a WalMart parking lot and needs more thought. However, if and when I decide to get one, I know I want a slow mover. That is my top criteria. The slower the better. I definitely want a docile personality, and preferably one that is not as prone to flicking hair at every little shadow that passes by. I can’t imagine I’d ever be big on handling it with any regularity as I understand there are risks for both animal and human, but I’d prefer one that would be less adverse to the occasional handling. Anything over about 7-8 inches is just a no. And preferably terrestrial.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello! It’s great to hear that you’re taking your time and doing your research. Unfortunately, many folks aren’t as patient or prudent. As for smaller species that are slower moving, I would recommend the Euathlus sp. red or the B. albopilosum (Honduran curly hair). The Euathlus is a dwarf and the B. albo gets 5-6″ max. Both are normally very calm, rarely flick hairs, and move deliberately. Just know that if spooked, however, all tarantulas have “spider speed” (they can boogie for short distances).


  4. Hi Tom! I always love reading your articles! I had an adult female Euathlus until she recently suddenly died in a molt 😦 I have no idea why (good temps, humidity, and well fed). I know sometimes it just happens. She was such a great spider! Anyway…I bought two very tiny slings from Tonya (Fear Not Tarantulas) last night! I fed them each a fruit fly (which they appear to have eaten). Since slings are somewhat notorious for refusing food, do you have any suggestions should I encounter that problem in the future?


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Rachael! Thanks so much much for the very kind works. I’m SO sorry to hear about your female Euathlus. That’s horrible. Although it sometimes happens, it certainly doesn’t make it any easier. 😦

      Congrats on your new slings (and so glad you picked them up from Tanya. :)). If they start refusing food, you can always try them on pre-killed. For a tiny sling, cricket legs work fine. Or, you can cut up a meal worm into segments. They will scavenge in the wild, so you can use that behavior to your advantage. Sometimes, it’s easier than offering the tiny live prey. Also, the warmer they are kept, the faster their metabolism and the more they will usually eat. Try keeping them in a warm corner or up high where the heat is to encourage the appetite. And, of course, be sure to add some moisture in there. For a sling, I would make a little grove down the side, and pour water in so that it keeps the bottom layers moist. It can then burrow if it wants a bit more moisture. I hope that helps!



  5. I am dying to get my first Tarantula. I have done a ton of research and watched a bunch of YouTube videos and am more than ready to start my T adventures. But I have my heart set on the Euathlus Sp. Red (Chilean Flame) and have only been able to find a 1/2″ juvenile for sale. I like the idea of raising one myself and watching it grow, but also am a bit impatient and have read their very slow to grow and mature. Ideally, I’d love to find one that is more like 1 1/2″ or so and preferably a female. But have had no such luck. The one I found for sale was from (which I’ve heard great things about) but they only had the slings. Can you recommend any other websites that may have a larger specimen for sale? I would greatly appreciate any info you may have. Thanks Tom 😊

    Sincerely Samonster73

    Liked by 1 person

    • April!

      First off, so sorry for the delay! I haven’t been getting the notices that I have comments! UGH

      Unfortunately, I haven’t seen too many of them for sale lately, especially larger specimens. You could try Net-bug. Anastasia sometimes gets in sexed females. Besides that, you could try Pinchers & Pokies.

      I wish I could be more help!



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